Thursday, September 17, 2015

With Under A Week To Go. ..

I have just 5 full days left in Boulder before taking to the skies next Tuesday morning.
It has weeks of planning and organizing to mostly replace myself.  One believes one leads a fairly simple life until it's game on - finding the right people with who to trust your clients, finances, house, cat plants,  tenants etc is stressful!

I write this post from Wood's Quarry. One of my happy places!  The sun is shining and despite leaving for a hike at after 9:30am, it was still cool enough to warrant a hoodie, when I started out.

So am I ready?  I guess that depends in the definition of ready.  You've followed my packing and hiking prep... but what about the mental/emotional prep? To be honest I'm not sure!

Anxiety is definitely kicking in.
Last week my coach asked me what I hoped or expected to  learn from the trip.  How did I expect it to change my life?

The answer was fairly honest,  albeit not really an answer.  I have no idea how El Camino de Santiago will change me or what will "come up" for me along the way.  I'm heading into it with few expectations and an open mind.  Let's just see what each day brings,  how I handle it and what I learn.  I'm fairly positive,  with nothing but my own thoughts for hours a day and few of the distractions I rely on here,  I'm going to have some interesting thoughts and probably won't like all of them either.

Couple of things I have committed to:

  • No music, audiobooks to listen to. 
  • A small notebook to jot down all my epiphanies - or simply to record emotional states, locations and info that match experiences and photos!
  • Listening to other people's stories on the trail. 
  • Try not to sweat the small stuff.

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