Thursday, September 29, 2016

Albergue Surprises

The thing is, I am often surprised by little things that happen, or occur to me in albergues. So I figure I should share...

Pilgrims sleep in bunks.  Somewhere between 4 an 180 bunks in a room. If you think you couldn't be any closer than to the person in the upper or lower bunk attached to yours, you'd be wrong.  Frequently, the one next to yours is closer. But trust me when I say it's the line of sight that counts more than distance.

A few nights ago, while occupying a lower bunk, I was laying in the dark, trying to sleep, when my bunk mate arrived. I had never met him and wouldn't recognise him today either.  The only light that was in the room, was a touch of moon light... or maybe streetlight from the window.

This guy comes in, stands beside my bed, his head obscured by the upper bunk, and begins to strip.

Within 20 seconds he is down to just underwear...but it gets worse! He then reaches for the little ladder and begins to climb up.

The moonlight catches his pale hiney and it's then I realize he is wearing just a tiny thong!!!

Huh. That's different!

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