Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stepping Out

The weather forecast called for clear skies and a balmy 70-something. Yeah...Not!

With low visibility and high humidity, I cancelled plans to head to higher altitude to hike today. Marley and I set off to South Boulder Trail Head instead.

It has been quite a while since I hiked this trail and had NO Flatiron view.

We stopped briefly to take pics and admire the wildflowers - although they are nearing the end, I could almost see them smiling as the mist enveloped them. Then it was time for a rest on a flat rock. Just a minute or two to listen to the cricket-song and give the mandatory doggie hug. (FYI: Hugging a decidedly damp golden retriever is not as cute as it sounds!)

It was a good way to start the weekend though. Now for Home Depot and an afternoon of painting, followed by flight study. With a mug of hot tea, I call it an almost perfect day!

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