Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Running on Fumes

Today (Day 2 of head cold) I formulated the brilliant plan to mix Sudafed with paint fumes, to clear the sinuses. Not only did it work, but I found myself to be amazingly productive. Well, at least compared to yesterday, when I sat on the sofa most of the day!!!

That would be me... sitting on the kitchen floor, spraying TSP all over the place, wiping off years of grime and filth in order to paint our kitchen cabinets a serene shade of sage green. But believe it or not, I do find it therapeutic.

Yes... I'm the photographer too and it only took a dozen shots to get myself somewhat in focus! Meanwhile, my paintbrush was drying out and I was having difficulty keeping the paint off myself.... such is life.

Where is Osman again??

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