Monday, September 20, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Picture this...
Monday night, dark and rainy. I was doing a mad dash for dinner before my dance class.

Heading south on 30th St, I pulled to a stop behind someone turning left. All of sudden there was a loud noise and a jolt that threw my head forward... then back. Not really sure what had just happened, I waited a few minutes then pulled the car into a side street and stopped. The 4-runner that had hit me from behind, followed me.

I have to say the other driver was very nice. He made sure I was ok, then called the police and let me borrow his phone to call Osman. I waited in the car, out of the rain, nursing my sore neck and fast approaching headache.

It turns out the guy had bald tires and his brakes locked. Let's face it, it could have happened to anyone. I did feel sorry for him. Wrong place and wrong time for both of us.

The police came... as did an ambulance and fire truck! Yes, I was THAT person, clogging the road, holding up traffic. It's quite the ordeal to refuse transport to a hospital, but after signing the appropriate documents and waiting for the police report, Osman drove me to get checked out at the ER... just in case.

Three hours and half a dozen x-rays later, I was cleared to leave, Vicodin bottle in hand. The Doc assured me I would feel worse tomorrow... and she was right!

Honestly though... it could have been a lot worse. I'm a lucky girl!
The Lexus did it's job - and possibly made the ultimate sacrifice. :-)

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