Thursday, December 25, 2008


IMG_1459, originally uploaded by dallicetylee.
I love Christmas... and this year was a particularly useful (and gadgety) one for Osman and I.

I am now the proud bearer of a SPOT. This satellite tracking device will accompany me to Brazil and beyond when I leave next week.

Not quite as subtle as a microchip, none-the-less it will enable Osman and you (if you like) to keep track of me as I travel around Patagonia over the next 2 months. Essentially I will be "checking in" with the touch of a button to assure that all is well and to plot my position on a Google Map. I have the option to call for help or scream 911 should there be an incident, and the knowledge that at the other end of the emergency beacon, help is at hand - and it knows exactly where to find me!

So, give me a few days to get rolling and by about Dec 31st you should be able to click this link and see where I'm at.

Of course, if all goes according to plan and failing any pilot confusion, I should have landed in Rio Dejaneiro and be planning my New Years Eve! Watch this space!

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