Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Natural Selection

This morning I was horrified and surprised to see our relatively lazy cat, Smokey Joe, pacing the back yard with a small bird in his mouth. He looked like he was on the run.

I stepped outside and called him. Smokey Joe thought this was an invitation to bring his little prey inside for breakfast. As he raced toward the open door I called NO and he stopped and opened his mouth. To both of our surprise, the little bird, with an obvious pulse, flew out of his mouth with speed and ease.

But it gets better...
Why was Smokey Joe pacing and looking for a sanctuary? Up in a near by tree this young hawk was waiting for his opportunity to score breakfast from my cat (or score his breakfast back from my cat)! As the bird took off, so did the hawk, in hot pursuit.

Fortunately for the bird, who appeared to be completely in tact, neither my cat, nor the hawk were spectacular hunters!!! The hawk circled briefly and returned to perch in our tree. Smokey Joe is still hiding under the bushes beneath him... In general he is afraid of birds that stand up to him!

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