Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rio De Janeiro: Dec 31st 2008

What a fascinating city. Stark contrast between poor and wealthy and I would guess a lot more poor! Much dirtier and underdeveloped than I had imagined.

Myself and a group that I am now travelling with spent New Years eve at Copacabana beach. Wow! Before this night I could not even imagine 2 million people gathered at one place. Yes... a big place, but people as far as the eye could see in every direction, 8 enormous cruise liners anchored off shore, fireworks, food, drink, music and so much more. Thank goodness we had a buddy system in place. The tradition here is to wear white on NY eve. Imagine trying to find your group - people you just met that afternoon, while sleep deprived, mildly intoxicated and in a sea of people at a very umfamiliar place, where everyone is wearing white!!! Needless to say, the camera stayed in the hotel that night so as not to invite trouble of any kind. And after surviving a hair raising taxi ride (where red lights dont even seem to mean slowing down) I was back at the hotel in the early hours and slept like a baby, ready to really start the trip on Jan 1st.

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