Saturday, July 10, 2021

Mini Blueberry Pie Mess

Despite the 100 degree days and my resolve to eat better, I still like to experiment in a hot kitchen once in a while.

These mini blueberry pies were a taste success but a giant mess and if we rated "ease of removal"  they would score 1/10.  I would have benefited from surgical training for this part! Therefore, I regret to inform you they were a fail in the concept department. 

Imagine the amount of juicy syrup that typically bubbles out of a family sized pie, then quadruple it because these are small and each one has a lot of escape room. It turns out, too much escape room!

My oven is fine, thanks for asking. My belly is happy too. But my camera... it shuddered when I asked it to document the post-baking situation.  Say no more. 

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