Monday, July 12, 2021

A change of plans... new goals, new anticipations

I've been feeling a bit flat lately.  Is it the accumulation of buyer rejection and seller anxiety in what has to have been the most frenzied spring real estate market in decades? Is it 18 months of thinking, imagining and planning to hit the Himalayas in hiking boots, then canceling for the second year in a row because of COVID restrictions and risks? Is it running out of projects at the house... finally... and feeling like my ability to add value is wilting?  Maybe. And maybe it's all of the above. I do thrive on planning, anticipation, post-trip/project photography gazing... 

Anyhow, rather than continue to go "woe is me" and give you all the impression that I've forgotten just how lucky I am to live here, have a nice safe house, furry kids who are happy and healthy, partner who is more emotionally stable than I am and clients and work that I just love, I've decided to make use of the fact that I have ample opportunity to change or improve my situation, my mindset and change my plans for the future!

1. Pets and hobbies bring me great joy and a release from anxiety. We added a kitten (Little Rusty) to our family last year. This year, before the feline babies get to old and curmudgeonly, we are going to try and bring a new baby home. It's puppy time. Marley has been gone 2 years and I'm finally ready to open this guarded heart back up to a canine baby again.  As it turns out, golden retrievers are lots of people's first choice for emotional support and we are now on a waitlist, praying that Lola gets knocked up this summer! This is Lola and her BF, Sven. Could they be the parents of our new puppy? Time will tell. Be still my beating heart.

2. Travel. You know what, life is too short to lament that Europe, Asia, Africa and the South Pacific are all too tricky to navigate while Delta COVID takes hold. And so, Donnie and I have decided to embrace a more domestic adventure. Uh-huh, I mean branching out and going on a wine and food themed river boat cruise in August.  (More about this in another post.)

3. As you might know, I'm always seeking ways to connect myself to the planet more sustainably... eat responsibly, plant to reduce water use etc. etc. Chickens have been in my 10 year plan and I didn't think they'd fit into my life or yard before that, but as my soul craves more "nature" connections and I spend more time at home than anywhere else... I'm opening myself to new possibilities and that includes adopting chickens and adding a real farmhouse aspect to this here modern farmhouse.

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