Saturday, May 20, 2017

Storm Form! Winter Storm at 285 Martin Dr

 Storm Form... the builder AND the event!

Storm Form is my design-builder. Storm Form was the most appropriate name for this weeks weather too.

I probably assume too much and count on good luck in the weather department, truth be told.  Whoops, not this week.  My luck kinda ran out!

For almost 3 months, we have had little more than the occasional downpour. Every time the weather guessers forecast a snow storm, it goes south and delivers to Parker instead of Boulder. Not this time…

This time the storm hit. Dumped twice as much as we expected and knocked our socks off. The house was almost weather-proofed in time though and I still felt pretty lucky.  (We don’t count openings for windows in the weather-proofing equation, right?)

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