Wednesday, May 17, 2017

New Construction + Spring Weather = Doh!

 Well poo! The weather guessers are calling for copious quantities of rain, a wee bit of snow and general crappiness for the rest of the week. Sure, we might get a little reprise over the weekend but sandwiching it, we are expecting clouds and grayness for the next 5 days.

So what about the house?  Well it has all the roof decking on but there are little gaps between plywood sheets and relatively larger vent gaps along the peaks. If we got the 1.5″ of rain as expected tomorrow, it would for sure flow down the valleys and into the upstairs “rooms”… then the main floor.

One more reason to love the Storm Form gang: They get weather briefings and work to manage whatever comes their way. In this case a roofing guy climbed 2 stories up a ladder with rolls of waterproof tar-paper today. He worked quickly to stick down the ice and water barrier on the edges and the black paper on the rest of the roof.  Did he get the job completed before the approaching front opened up and dumped on him?  I’m not sure!  Last I saw, he was dodging lightning on the roof and the rain was pelting him…. And I was speeding off to Longmont to shelter my car in a garage. 🙁

Exiting day on site! What you are looking at here are closets. Squint a little… it’s easier to see! The white roll is the edge of the hall way and the 3 parallel boards outline his and hers closets.  Sure, one is bigger than the other – that’s life. She has more shoes than he does.  🙂  However, he will be pleased to know today that a quick conversation with Ken resulted in, as Ken put it “a more democratic shift in the closet sizes”! His closet just got a foot wider.

Here comes the weather!! Half the black paper is on… 

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