Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pop-Top Palpitations

 The day your neighbor asks if she can come see the progress inside of your Martin Acres pop-top in progress and you answer “sure, follow me” with a big smile, only to find THIS when you open the front door:

Yeah… that’s the same day you understand what having palpitations feels like! Needless to say, we couldn’t actually go inside that day.

Let’s back it up a bit. This was March 16th. A few things had changed since the week before (the pictures in my last post) clearly.

The guys had worked their tails off to clear the house, not just of light fixtures and such, but also flooring in the back room – the bamboo engineered floor that I installed with my dad in 2009 and the 1959 linoleum tile glued down (with tar?) under that. They had lifted the flagstone patio and stacked it in nice piles and they had removed doors, some windows and even bushes outside, to facilitate better access for the skid loader.

In the back yard, they erected a pole for temporary power. Xcel was coming to disconnect the house and connect the main power supply to this. It’s starting to feel a lot like a construction zone!

It was time to start removing drywall. With it came a whole bunch of blown-in cellulose insulation. I had Bestway put that in, in 2007 shortly after purchasing this home. Now, it was a fluffy mess! Cellulose filled the air as the drywall was pulled off the ceiling and walls. Remember that skid-loader I mentioned? I believe Ken drove it to the front door and they scooped insulation into it, then deposited in the dumpster in my driveway.  I told you he was creative and efficient!

By March 19th, it was looking a little cleaner. And by that I mean, everyday a little more empty. It’s a process. 🙂

Conversation with my neighbor and good friend, who is graciously putting up with a less than lovely view, these days:

Her: Hey Dal, are you excited?

Me: I’m anxious, does that count?

Her: Why anxious?

Me: Because last week my house was worth $600K+ and this week… $250K maybe. I’m not 100% what the value of the land is, but that’s about it’s value right now.

 Next post will probably have REAL back room demo and excavation pictures. You think the above pic is bad, wait til you see it as just a hole in the ground!


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