Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Building Permit has been Issued!

 Well, two weeks earlier would have been nice, but on March 15th, the permit to alter and build on the existing home at 285 Martin Drive came through. You’ll be pleased to know I hadn’t lost my marbles or temper. Instead I waited almost patiently then breathed gratitude and relief!

Truth be told the work started before this permit was issued… or needed.  We already had the demolition permit (circa February 2017) and there was plenty of prep work to be done. By March 3rd, there were 3 guys applying hard labor, creativity and care to the demise of 285 Martin Drive!

The kitchen is not going to change – in location or finishes. But the problem with that is when you rip the lid off your house, your kitchen becomes an unwitting casualty unless steps are taken to protect it. Ken had a plan. Ken ALWAYS has a plan! The top cabinets and appliances were to be removed to an undisclosed location to keep them safe and the bottom cabinets/island and its granite counter-top, were to be covered by custom ‘boxes’ designed to protect from weather or flying debris.

The wood floors needed to be protected too. I’m trying my best to save and reuse the original narrow plank red oak flooring from 1955.

First and last selfie in that mirror!

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