Thursday, October 14, 2010

Excited... Very Excited!

No... not the hasty containment of a highly infectious disease! This is what a room looks like just before the walls get textured. In theory it protects the rest of the house from flying plaster spray.

A couple of days ago Josh set about blasting the walls, I quickly followed with a little lick of paint around the kitchen area... in preparation for the granite installation.

Today, was granite day! :-)
Luis and his team arrived around 4:30pm this afternoon. The good news is that the granite is nicer than I even imagined and Luis is a master fabricator and we are lucky to have him. The bad news... the massive island slab got cracked enroute today and will have to be replaced. A delay of a couple of days is not the end of the world, but disappointing none-the-less.

The slab for the island is held back in the truck... damaged in the top part of the rounded corner.

It actually looks like a kitchen now. The fridge, microwave and dishwasher are in. Next steps... finish the granite installation, set the sinks and faucets, install the stove/oven.

I can almost smell the home cooked meal, complete with baked dessert!

Stay tuned for next week... when I'm sure I can get the painting and trim work completed.

I know you are all waiting for the last post... the side by side, before and after.
Me too!!!

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