Friday, October 08, 2010

Each day, a little closer

Since I last blogged "the remodel", we have come a long way. Or should I give credit where credit is due and say Josh and Eric have come a long way?!
(It's fair to assume I couldn't possibly have contributed much while on my mini vacation.)

The kitchen, which recently looked like this....

Has now seen the installation of a tile floor,

new cabinets and range hood.

As of tonight, we have a plywood template, just waiting for Luis, our granite fabricator, to make my dream "rectangular with a bulged corner" shape a reality. It now seems an eternity ago that I was crouched on the floor, tearing off pieces of blue painters tape to outline my idea.

You have to understand... I have envisioned this kitchen, this exact island shape, these efficient appliances and this large counter space for 3 years. When something is this fixed in one's mind, no second guessing is permitted!

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