Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

Just when I thought I was 2 steps from finishing the back room... they tell me the flooring (which is supposed to have arrived today) has not passed inspection yet.

Yeah... that was the explanation I needed too!

Apparently inspection is the step before shipping. Meaning my flooring is still in the north-east!
Are you kidding me? Nobody wanted to mention that this could happen as they were taking my credit card details??? What? Did they think I would forget about time and just be happy to see it whenever?

Not happy.
Parents arrive next week and the back room is "mostly done", showing off a gorgeous orange linoleum tile (circa 1950's) and doubling as Osman and my bedroom floor while the folks are staying.

Where is my beautiful stranded bamboo floor???!!!! arrgghhh!

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