Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dog Day At The Pool

Of the 3 of us, it is Osman and I who probably look forward to this day all year... but it is Marley who has the most fun!

Every year, as the swimming season draws to a close, Scott Carpenter Pool, in Boulder, opens for a dog-only weekend. As you can imagine, the Labs and Golden Retrievers dominate the pool, but let's not kid ourselves... their owners (and anyone in the general vicinity) are going to get soaked too!

This pretty much sums up our 2009 "dog day at the pool"...

Who needs a diving board when you can walk on water?

Happy to retrieve that ball over and over and over again.

Check out those paws. With toes spread and tail acting as a rudder, he cuts through the water!

Perhaps a little over-enthusiastic at times.

You know it's time to go home when he can no longer pull himself out of the pool.

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