Saturday, March 01, 2025

Hiking on Trail Ridge Road

 The other day, while up in Rocky Mountain National Park, I noticed some folks unloading cross-country skis and preparing to bypass the "Road Closed" sign on Many Parks Curve to explore Trail Ridge Rd on foot.

I knew that had to be me next time. 

The following week, Sue and I were there, bright and early. We had snow shoes and spikes, snacks and smiles. Trail Ridge was icy, snowy and in places, completely bald down to the asphalt. We hiked in spikes...

And had a picnic in spikes.

We passed a few skiers, snowboarders and other walkers - the kind that wore jeans and glamor sneakers and might have called this outing their first foray into RMNP. Someone of equal or greater enthusiasm was responsible for this snowman.... this feeble and not-long-for-this-world snowman. A hug can fix anything?!

Sue later opted for an 'emotional support pinecone' instead of a cold wet hug!

A month or so from now, they will start plowing the deep bits from this road. Smoothing it out and making it car-ready for the summer season. I will travel it to new adventures again soon.

Today though, these 6.5 miles on uneven and sometimes unstable ground took its toll. Our hips and ankles were complaining loudly before we made it back to the car. Our faces were pinkish-red, singed by the glare off the white ground and the direction sunshine from a blazing blue sky. It was time for Nepalese food and lots of it.

Oh yeah... and today marks the day that my moose-like 4runner had its first passenger-toting adventure in Colorado. Christened!

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