Saturday, January 11, 2025

Joshua Tree to Grand Canyon (Day 5)

 Sunrise at Joshua Tree was a little bit magical. All of a sudden being at the perfect tree and having the right angle, didn't matter. Silouettes and gentle colors made up for all the other things I didn't or couldn't do correctly.

The park was quiet... except birdsong. Hallelujah!

By 9:30am I was headed for the South Entrance. Accidentally making a stop at the (closed) Cholla Cactus Garden. 

Did you know the South Entrance is a good 30 miles from the last place they offer you up a bathroom? Keep that in mind! It's not a quick 30 miles either, FYI.

The drive to Grand Canyon National Park was 5.5 hours, give or take. And by that I mean plus at least an hour of stopping for photos and such.  (I think I stopped at least every 20 mins!) The driving was easy though. Cruise control easy.  And while you might think my camera is full of beautiful landscapes captured along the way, the truth is I take pictures an array of subjects... and today I added "old shoes on a fence" to that collection.

What is going on with the shoe graveyard? I dunno. But it has been going on a while!

There was relief of all kinds when I finally arrived just after 4pm.  (Remember, I lost another hour to father time when I crossed into Arizona and Mountain Standard Time kicked in again.) If you don't remember my last trip out this way, then you'll also have trouble understanding the appreciation I have for how much less complicated telling time is here, when Daylight Time doesn't monkey with things. 

(The Timewarp in Buckskin Gulch)

Following sunset, I sat in the car at the Grand Canyon and spontaneously booked myself a very nice hotel not far away. A six mile drive to get back here for sunrise at dark-o'clock seemed the least I could offer myself as a thank you gift for such a long and well executed day!

It did not go unnoticed when I patted myself on the back...

Soon enough, I was cozy, clean and had even done a little somethin' somethin' with my hair. There IS a lady hiding under the dust of not one but two national parks! She drank wine and ate Lindor truffles while perusing pictures tonight. :-)

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