Thursday, December 12, 2024

Grand Teton National Park

 After a series of unfortunate events ranging from a closed road to a cloudy sky this morning, I resigned myself to NOT witnessing alpenglow and capturing it effortlessly with my camera! Ha!

In the cold and dark, the roads were slick and deserted.

I handed over my National Parks Pass to the guy at the entrance and that was the last I saw of real humans for hours. Gone were those car loads of photographers I ran into yesterday. Sleeping in?!  Who knows... but I found myself meandering the park, patiently waiting for light to hit peaks, water to calm itself enough to reflect and animals to appear. 

A few crows cleaning up the roadkill, a handfull of ducks middle of the lake and that one grey squirrel chattering from a covert location. 

It was cold but dry and windless. I was comfortable. More than comfortable... At times I was moved to tears by the beauty of vista in front of me, the freedom and privilege afforded to me today and most days. Gratitude flowed over and wetted my chilly face!

Oxbow Bend was supposedly "the place to be" first thing in the morning and last time I was here, that was indeed true. June is a different kettle of fish though. Today without direct light, it was a bit flat. The water was frozen and white ...  

Jackson Lake on the other hand - pure magic. I could have watched the light change on the peaks and the water all day. 

What a lovely, peaceful place this is! Whoever came up with the idea for making and protecting spaces as National Parks was a genius.

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