Sunday, June 02, 2024

Butterfly Sunday

With a hankering to take photos and not much patience for a long drive or a complicated plan, we decided to revisit the Butterfly Pavilion on Sunday afternoon. It had been 10 years, after all. 

I have zero problem dodging little ones and their caregivers as we all vie for the best view of flutter-by's. Learning to look but not touch is a valuable lesson and getting it early seems good, am I right?!

Plus, even adults are getting an education here. When I wasn't concentrating on camera settings and rather unforgiving light amidst the leaves, I was listening.  :)

And then a little slice of magic... connection, actual connection with a most beautiful butterfly who's life began somewhere way south of the USA and who's destiny brought him to this butterfly enclosure at the same time, it brought me here. 

We hung out for a bit ... walked and talked. Then as I tried to prod him into a new resting spot in a tree, he said goodbye and fluttered away. It was time for us to go too.

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