Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Going berserk in Chirk!?

 Yes, sir!

Kara and Nate, we have you to thank for this.  Every time I'm tootling around on YouTube looking for tidbits of info on how to beat altitude sickness, the best route up Kilimanjaro, tips for photographing polar bears or the behavior patterns of the bird I'm trying to sneak up on, I find myself drawn to another Kara and Nate adventure vlog. 

Last week, we watched them bump their hired narrow-boat down a canal in Wales and then successfully drive it over an aqueduct at first light. There seemed to be a lot of forgiveness built in  -  which I appreciate.  And my obsession with narrow-boat captaining began there and then!

Anyway... We're going to Wales.

Mid July will see us attempt to take 'Duchess 4' out of Chirk, Wales and into England, along the Llangollen Canal for 4 days... coinciding with my 50th birthday... not really by coincidence. :-)

What could go wrong?  LOL

My master plan is for Mark to do most of the driving and me to document the adventure - as usual. We'll tie down at night along the canal, sip coffee with the ducks, stop in at a local pub for lunch or dinner and in general pretend we have experience doing this sort of thing until it's apparent we don't and then we'll beg, barter and bribe the reputedly friendly locals to help us.

The reality is that the only thing we are familiar with as we embark on this adventure, is the glamping.  We are GOOD at glamping! 

My trip-specific bucket list: 
1. Take control of the boat on the aqueduct!

2. Walk faster than the boat on the tow-path.

3. Pictures of Welsh wildlife.

4. Some local portraits.

5. Operate a canal lock by ourselves.

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