Saturday, December 30, 2023

T-300 Seriously? Seriously!

 Yeah...  This is one of my bigger countdowns, it almost goes without saying. 

We booked this trip back in November 2023. Eleven months to wait. To anticipate. To dream and plan and get excited. But here's the thing; part of the joy and value of a trip like this is the anticipation factor. Most people see the price tag and automatically calculate the cost/day. For me, 300+ days to milk the "looking forward to it" part, is more than a bonus. I'm a planner, an early packer (don't ask how early, it just leads to judgment!) and I derive a great deal of mind-blowing joy out of anticipation of a trip like this.

300 days today until we embark on the long journey north. First stop Winnipeg. Destination Churchill - Polar bear capital of the WORLD. 

Got a bucket list? Me too. A regular one AND I typically create a trip-specific one too. My polar bear trip bucket list is still a work in progress as I continue to YouTube the heck out of this and dive deep into other peoples travel blogs, milk various conservation sites and whatever resources I find, for snippits of info. God bless the internet!

Putting my wish list out there in no particular order:

Bear on Buggy

Flirting Bear

Family of Bears

Sparring Bears

The Tundra Buggy Lodge

Mark gave me a 150-600mm lens for early Christmas present. I have enough to time between now and departure to learn it, calibrate it as needed and grow some bicep strength with which to wield it! See. More upside to having a departure date that is 300 days away. :-)

Want to know what I gave him? Stay tuned.

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