Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hazel, Buttercup and Jade

 These are "the Ladies".

We rehomed them in September 2021 and they quickly became part of our family.  On arrival there were 1 or 2 eggs but we had been alerted to the fact that egg-laying wasn't really their thing so the intention was just to let them live out their golden years with love, a safe yard, some companion animals and us. 

After all, they provided endless amounts of friendship, entertainment and cuteness and that's enough. And yep, I believe they grew to love their new home with us. The frequent "blowing out" of feathers has pretty much ceased. They have short claws now as a result of daily scratching around for bugs and they come when called... sprinting across the yard.


In 2022 both Hazel and Buttercup started laying spring, but Buttercup stopped after a late spring snow and never restarted. We were lucky to have gotten a couple dozen eggs all year. Jade was still "decorative only". She was also quite the conversationalist!

This year just as daylight savings kicked in, so did the ladies. All three. Jade is no longer, decorative only!

We are getting 3 eggs every 2 days or more. Enough to supply us and relieve the pain of buying $9/dozen eggs at the supermarket. And I have learned now, which chicken is responsible for which egg based on the color and size.

How cute is this?!

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