Saturday, October 29, 2022

Summer/Fall 2022 - In pictures

Teddy and I walked off-leash 6 days a week starting in April. While I routinely did 2-3 miles per walk, it's safe to say he did 3-5 miles... many of which were "zoomies" with other dogs, leaps through swamps and swims in ponds.

We watched the leaves renew and grasses go to seed in summer, then gradually turn golden. They began to rustle in the breeze as they dried and overnight the leaves disappeared as the gusty winds brought in our first snowy front of the changing season. The air, smelling fragrant and fresh, now smells earthy and each successive morning brings a better chance of frost underfoot. 

The sky is getting bluer. The sunrises and sunsets more striking and separated by fewer daylight hours. 

Time is passing in the most beautiful and natural fashion. This is something that has always appealed to me about where I live. "Feeling" time pass is quite wonderful, in my opinion!

In no particular order, I present a curated selection of my favorite memories of this summer and fall. My most precious and joyful hiking companion takes pride of place... He has achieved his position through hard work and by earning trust over the last 6 months. And it is him I thank for reminding me what a privilege it is to be able to walk each day, to have protected trails we can readily access and a community of other dog-families to share it with.  I regret to say that before him, I had forgotten to breathe deeply, smile at the sunrise and gaze at the clouds above on a daily basis.

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