Thursday, December 09, 2021

Today's the day

Patience is a virtue - that I can't boast about having.

For 7.5 weeks, I've been counting the days,  the hours, until we get to meet the puppies and their family. 

We've watched eyes opening,  first eye contact, the transition to puppy-mash food, running, playing,  potty training and a final vet check. 
Want to see how they've grown?

Check it out... Lola's puppies are just 4 days older than Lucys but they are little chunkers! 
9 lucy puppies: 1 Lola puppy
And today we were finally on the road to Pocatello, ID. The weather was iffy and because icing conditions existed, we decided yesterday to drive instead of fly. (Pilot friends understand the hazards of icing in flight, more than most.)

It's a nine hour drive each way but Marks prayers were answered when my orthodontic appointment to install a metal "appliance" happened to occur yesterday afternoon, rendering me not entirely speechless, but definitely less chatty... with a speech impediment to boot.

We planned a 5am departure and backed out of the driveway at 4:59am. (Not uncommon for us and perhaps one of the things that connects us so well!)

It was cold,  dark and the roads were not busy.  Heading west from Fort Collins was where we first encountered the intermittent snow and crappy visibility.  
Breakfast was a quick affair in Laramie and we hit the road again. Daylight makes a huge difference in this weather.  
Just before 1pm we stopped for fuel and began our lunch picnic in the car... while driving. 

And shortly after that,  we arrived in Idaho. We'd been driving about 7.5 hours.  100 miles to go! 
The snow and freezing rain stopped 20 mins from our destination and then we saw Idaho beauty,  for real. Oh my!
Safe and sound in Pocatello at our cozy Airbnb apartment - door to door from Boulder in 9 1/2 hours.

Our first puppy meeting is in ONE HOUR!!!!  Be still my beating heart!

Note: This is what you don't want on your airplane... or it falls out of the sky! 
Some days are for driving rather than flying.  😀

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