Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A walk on the North Side

The north side of the house is not well lit or well trafficked.  It has spent 3+ years being neglected. Growing weeds. Getting muddier. 

I used to have to wear hiking boots along here in winter.  And dodge overgrown trees while I hiked. So I avoided that path... if you can call it a path. 

2021 is the year of the north side path project. 

Flagstone was sourced. Edging purchased.  Then the hard labor began.  Digging up construction debris,  roots and weeds.

Leveling rock on sand and filling with pea pebbles.

Under the watchful eye of my furry kids...   In the wee hours of the morning, before my day job started, I committed to hard labor and dry hands.

What project would be complete without a test pilot?  Little Rusty has found his calling. None of the work, all of the benefit!

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