Saturday, December 05, 2020

The Isolation Cafe is open again

Oh my. We are back on lock down. A tad more prepared this time and since it's darn near winter,  perhaps it feels more natural now. 

The days are short,  the nights are long.  The kitties put themselves to bed around 4:30 pm and Mark and I have begun a new phase in our relationship... playing games! Most nights find us crouched over the coffee table playing Gin Rummy, Bananagrams or Cribbage. We are teaching each other games from our childhoods.

In this post,  you'll see that I'm branching out. Quiche is on the menu tonight.  And an old favorite.  Caprese salad. 

Wine is ever present!

Earlier this week we travelled  (gastronomically) to Thailand with a green curry,  India with a hella hot orange curry and Spain, with this crazy good white bean and chorizo dish.

Chicken Marsala. I long for Carrelli's to be open for fine dining again... but until then, my version of this classic Italian entrée will have to suffice.

And later that month... Indian curry.  Tomato and coconut based with a sweet mild spiciness and complex flavors.  This one is a long time favorite and affectionately known (by me) as "curry in a hurry". It's equally good with chicken, white fish or shrimp. 

Mushroom risotto. It's creamy and wonderfully loaded with 3-4 kinds of mushrooms. Doubling as winter comfort food one evening and the perfect base for my boiled breakfast too.

Roasted brussel sprouts.  The perfect appetizer... or turn it into your main meal! Mine are finished under the broiler to crispy them up and singe some of those red pepper flakes.  Then,  it's just a matter of sprinkling on a wee bit of parmeggiano reggiano.


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