Monday, November 09, 2020

C'mon Already!!! We all know that Biden won. Just CALL it.

 It took 5 days to call Pennsylvania and, in turn, the Presidency.

The short story is that President-Elect Joe Biden and his glass-ceiling shattering running mate, Kamala Harris were victorious and gave eloquent, compassionate and humble acceptance speeches on the evening of November 7th. 

The part of the story that no-one really cares about, is how I fared last week. Did I give myself an ulcer or palpitations? Yes. Yes, I did. 

But at the end of the day, it could have been a lot worse and apparently the counting of ballots could have gone on longer. Oh wait... it's still going on!!! 

Georgia has been sitting at >99.0% tallied votes for days and still won't call it for Biden. Sure, it's close but in the history of all recounts, has any state EVER found 10,000+ missing or mis-counted ballots? Ah... no. They have not. So while we all understand a recount in an acceptable request when the difference is .2% between candidate, we all also know it's not going to change the outcome. Let's go ahead and call this one "denial".  

Arizona... Definitely slower to count and report. Biden has been losing his lead slowly but surely, for 5 days. Too slow to make a difference in the end though. They have also counted more than 99% of votes and despite the fact that Joe is still 17,000 or so ahead, it remains a "toss up".  Let's just go ahead and call this "wishful thinking". Perhaps it's a way to soften the blow and throw some benign support Trump's way...  You know, to help pave that "easy off ramp" that he'll need to navigate his gigantic ego out of the White House.

The prize for complicated and slow counting is surely Nevada's though. Then again.... with only about 95% counted, they did the math and called it for Biden, who's lead was ever increasing. While the 6 electoral votes will hardly matter in the grand scheme of things, I'd like to voice appreciation for every one of them and the folks from the cities to the reservations, who made it happen.  I'm calling Nevada the "pepto-bismol" state, for bringing a little sweet relief to the nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach and diarrhea that 4 days of ballot counting has brought on!

And finally, if you read my last post and giggled at my confession of having absconded with a resort cat (AKA emotional support cat) then you'll get a good belly laugh out of my "new and improved confession":

I actually needed TWO emotional support cats to get me through the week! 

... and lots of cake!!!!!

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