Friday, September 11, 2020

Bear Cubs in the Back Yard! OMG. OMG. OMG!!!

 So... this happened yesterday.

Mamma bear took her twins for a little stroll through the 'hood. She made her way down Martin Drive then decided to teach them how to hop the fence into our back yard.

Photo courtesy of neighbor, Riya.
Mamma in yard, black cub on fence, brown cub climbing.

 I looked out the window quite randomly and saw her with cubs in tow.

10 seconds later, I had flown down the stairs and closed the doggie door so that Wrigley couldn't "investigate" and risk getting between mamma and her babes. Then with cellphone in hand, managed to get a few seconds of this little miracle @ 285 Martin Drive. 

The 3 little bears meandered around the bushes a bit, then she called them to move on. They followed her over the fence... and just like that, they were gone.

Update October 5, 2020

The mom and her cubs, still happily hanging out in our neighborhood, were relocated to the wilderness where trash, traffic and other human interactions will not alter their natural ways or cause their lives to be in danger. (Note the article says they had been in our 'hood since Sept 28 but, we the neighbors, have been enjoying sightings since Sept 11.)

Daily Camera Article and Video

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