Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Rusty is 12 weeks old

It has been a fun and furious few weeks. 
Last week Rusty took a header off the landing over the stairs. Much like Wrigley did at the same age actually. However, Rusty is still nursing his bruised ego... or harboring some PTSD and since his fall and has been diligently avoiding the stairwell ever since. 

On the bright side, this means we are able to leave the doors open upstairs for Wrigley to come and go and rest assured that Rusty will not scurry downstairs. 

Wrigley, it seems, has his own developing PTSD. He must have been accosted by a crow or something in the last week, as ceiling fans are now freaking him out.

So... does anyone have the number of a skilled cat therapist?!

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