Monday, May 04, 2020

Date night @ The Isolation Cafe

Keeping it fresh and exciting... trying to, at least.

We normally did date night about once a week, pre-COVID. Staying home and spending quality time together started off easy when self isolation was new - in mid March! But as the weeks progressed, with both of us home all day anyway, that urge to get creative, put in effort for an evening together, did somewhat diminish.

I felt it wouldn't be long before I'd still be in last night's PJ's, defrosting chicken soup and offering up one more episode of Ozark, for date night.  C'mon... tell me I'm the only one?!

Two weeks ago we mixed it up and went camping in the back yard.  Easter Friday... pizza delivery outside and a bit of a fight to keep the cat from taking over the tent.

But we giggled and watched Netflix on the iPad until falling asleep under a 4 season down comforter... until 4:30 am. Yep, the ground was cold.  And another winter storm was on its way too. We found ourselves watching the news on the sofa indoors by 5 am. Still cuddled up under the comforter, mugs of coffee in hand.

This weekend we went in another direction.  A nice dinner in. Me in my little black dress, Mark wearing nice pants and a button down shirt.  Hair, makeup, even heels on! We had a candlelight dinner and bottle of bubbly Martinelli's.

I made stroganoff and strawberry rhubarb pie and he braved the supermarket for ice cream.

Creating memories during COVID-19.  Making the most of all we have to be grateful for.  Laughing at our wee efforts to keep things interesting.

Last weekend we had a 'game night'. Quite the tournament! We dragged the cornhole game into the back yard and, supervised by the cat, proceeded to enjoy grass under foot and late afternoon sunshine.

Im a good loser!

It doesn't have to be just another Groundhog Day, after all.

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