Saturday, April 04, 2020

Social Distancing. Even the cat gets it!

Some of you are familiar with our cat, Wrigley. Others, not so much.
(Want to get to know him? Check out his Facebook page: WrigleyTheCatInBoulder)

He's a feisty, large black cat. He is mostly cuddly or out to entertain, but make no mistake; His claws are always sharp and teeth are ready too. Our sweet Wriggles has zero issues enforcing his boundaries and rules.

What is a bit of a surprise, is that when "shelter in place" became a thing, he apparently tired of our company and we started getting kitty visitors at the house for the first time, this week.

Wrigley maintains a strict 6' social distancing rule at 285 Martin Drive though. Any closer and there is hissing and spitting - but it's a contactless protest and that is what is important, right?!

Oh and 6' includes times when he is inside and a cat comes a calling at the glass door. There are NO exceptions to the 6 foot rule.

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