Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Hoarding the Herbs in days of Quarantine

Sitting on the front porch in my robe this morning, staring at the containers that become home to my annual herbs, I realized it was time to plant!

Here's the trouble... Half of America got to this conclusion before me this year. A quick search online revealed that planted herbs are sold out, all across the country and packets of seeds are also on back order in many places. <sigh>

Then, like a wee COVID-19 miracle, while picking up my grocery order at the supermarket, I spied a sad selection of neglected plants for sale. I was on it.

Score! (Kinda)

Lesson of the day? Let pre-COVID standards slip a little as needed. It's ok. We work with what we have and are grateful for all of it... even when all we have is tired and sad and still full price!

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