Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Mask Making

We are nothing if not persistent and creative, when it comes to masks these days.

Every outing - grocery, medical or even a walk - now requires a face mask. Whereas a month ago, they were not all that recommended; two weeks ago they were recommended but optional; and a week ago they were optional but pressure was mounting to only appear publicly if wearing one.... Today, we are spending a ridiculous amount of effort trying to improve the effectiveness and comfort of our mask selections. (And complementing others on theirs, everywhere we go!)

Mark and I started out with Buff's. Neck gaiter type things in merino wool or cotton that became too warm and a tad claustrophobic as spring days heated up and our outings became more physical. We tried handkerchief or bandana solution too but realized we needed better coverage. Mark's mom made us beautiful masks that serve us well on short trips, but without tucks or pleats became less comfortable on longer hikes and if pulled in tighter, tended to squash the tip of the nose.

The time had come to put some more effort into a custom fit mask with little room around the edges for air escape and with an elasticated head strap for comfort while moving quickly.

Our friend Kathy was indispensible in providing all the things that mere mortal seamstresses have struggled to lay hands on. The day before our 48 hour snow storm hit, I picked up a baggie of pattern, elastic, liner, pipe-cleaners and polypropylene filter material from her front doorstep.

And then... game on! I stilled my antsy self in front of the TV and followed along with a great little YouTube video - all. day. long.  LOL  Yeah, it too a while. My skills are, at best, rusty.

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