Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Boulder County (and City) Mandatory Stay-At-Home Ordinance

Today is day 13 of voluntary self-isolation and it is DAY ONE of the Boulder City and the   Boulder County mandatory "stay at home" ordinance. 

We are permitted to leave the house for essential errands only. Essential errands seemed to start out looking like pharmacy and grocery runs. I believe it now includes outdoor exercise not within 6' of another person, medical and recreational marijuana, liquor runs, gas, banking, hardware store items, cleaning supplies and guns and ammo!

Yeah... we are still a LONG way off what I would call hardship, but one can't help but wonder about the guns and ammo thing. Not allowed outside to shoot and not allowed outside to threaten another person or their hoarded toilet paper either, so I'm struggling to understand the dire need to keep gun stores operating. And let's face it, if shot and taken to hospital, the chance of acquiring COVID-19 just went up exponentially. <sigh>  Priorities...

I digress.
Since I now full-time manage and work in The Isolation Bakery and The Isolation Cafe @ 285 Martin Dr, I'm actually busy everyday.

The upside is that the part of my brain that is creative in the kitchen and enjoys the smell of anything cooking, also needs a project to stay sane. Plus, I'm enjoying having Mark around and appreciate this opportunity to take care of him to the best of my ability, as he continues to work full-time from his home office.

This week I have already cleaned out the freezer. With that, comes more inspiration and motivation.

1. Rhubarb Pie from last years rhubarb harvest.
2. Chicken Soup with stock garnished from a roast chicken I boiled beyond reason 6 months ago.
3. Frozen plums... still cogitating on ideas for those, actually. Any thoughts?

Homemade bread with homemade plum and cardamom jam

Rhubarb pie

Thank goodness I stocked up on whipping cream, eh?!

We have a treadmill and yes, the time is fast approaching when I will need to stop using it as a clothes horse and start using it for pie mitigation instead. :-)

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