Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tootling around New Plymouth, getting all Kiwi

Part of the reason for this trip was definitely because of it's "long overdue" nature. The other part was to introduce Mark to kiwi culture, to show him a bit of where I came from and educate him on why I am like I am. Hahaha.

Christmas. I wish I took more pictures but I guess I was too busy enjoying myself. We had an awesome champagne breakfast. My parents, Mark and I, my sister and her family, my brother and his partner, Leanne. Then there was a wonderfully chaotic gift opening event and a bit of a relax before extended family dropped by in the afternoon.

Mark and I took some time to explore New Plymouth beaches, walkways and the downtown area, where we shopped for souvenirs and gifts to take back to Colorado.

Nope. The vintage glasses didn't make the final cut.

Neither did these beauties!

Although I have to say, I came close to buying one of these gorgeous canvases and "making" room in my already over-weight bag. Maybe next time. I do like this artists work! The Tui is my fav.

It became pretty clear during our stay that my dad has missed his calling as a tour guide/cafe guide around New Plymouth. We found a French patisserie downtown and volunteered to critique it on your behalf. 9/10 over all and you're welcome.

The red blooms are a seasonal feature of the Pohutukawa tree. Otherwise known as the New Zealand Christmas tree.

"All you can eat for as much as it costs"
And that is what we really call, priceless!

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