Sunday, December 22, 2019

New Zealand Elf (not) on a Shelf

Ok, so a lot went on in New Zealand. I'm going to post the highlights. A weird and wacky array of stories and memories that I took from my/our trip.

The first 10 days I spent in New Plymouth, prior to Mark's arrival were about catching up with friends and family, meeting or getting reacquainted with my parent's circle of friends, working a bit (Colorado real estate doesn't stop because I left the country) and perhaps becoming comfortable again with driving on the left side of the road. 

Meet my mom. Sandra. She is a social butterfly with a quick wit and penchant for fancy dress... as it quickly became apparent. 

My mom handed me an ELF costume within an hour of my arrival and announced that "we" had a few Christmas themed engagements this week. Like, at least 3! Yes, that is half a week of being dressed like an elf!

Don't tell her, but I was kinda excited. And fairly impressed that the costume (mostly) fitted me. Good job mommy!

Turns out that her walking group (Sunday, Saturday, Wednesday... Thursday?  Everyday???) had tons of plans that involved power walking in costume, judging each other, gift giving and generally taking in the sights and soul that is Christmas in New Plymouth. There was no shortage of laughter, "flat whites" and "cabinet food"... IE food that is on display in a cabinet just prior to being purchased. Cabinet food takes the form of sandwiches, muffins, cakes and treats for the most part and every hardware store, garden center, mall, side street and beach seems to have a facility that sells cabinet food and espresso drinks. (Although kiwis appear to be almost exclusively drinking "flat whites". What is a flat white? To all intents and purposes, a flat white is a latte with a bit less air in the milk!)

Here are a selection of photos I thought you might like. Otherwise known as evidence - I called upon some of these to excuse myself for not being totally available at client's convenience, several times. Best to be honest, eh?!

What's that you ask? Who is the doll?  His name is Lewie. He's their 4th child. Adopted obviously. And dare I say, the spoiled one. They take him traveling all over the world and his childhood photo album is crammed with photos with mom and dad. 

Dad carefully applies WD40 to my bike (his bike). Later telling me that the brakes were shot... And wondering why I had questions as to the safety of the vehicle he lent his first born.

It was a tad on the cold and grey side, so we had to don sweaters over our costume masterpieces.

This was the evening we rode bikes around Bell Block, taking in the festive decorations that the residents were becoming well known for.

People actually let us stroll around in their yards!

Just a girl and her mom. Dressed up. Going biking. And walking...

And more walking...

In NZ, if you are too short, they make you wear platform sneakers. I know, I know... the liability... the health insurance issues.... THEY DON'T EXIST HERE.

Half of her genes were a gift to me... I feel that answers any questions you may have had, are having or will have in regard to my questionable style, sense of humor and much more.

And just like that, my 10 days alone in New Zealand at the mercy of my parents, came to an end and we found ourselves at the New Plymouth (public) airport, awaiting the arrival of Mark. Dressed like elves.

The end.

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