Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Trans-Mongolian Railway: T minus 7

One week.

One week!

ONE week?!  Eek!

This week, right on schedule, the ballet tickets arrived by email, just as promised. Of course I was a teensy bit worried that after sending a chunk of money via the interwebs to Russia, there might be some sort of nefarious hiccup resulting in no ballet and no money either. But hurrah! It's all good. I have them printed and packed, in duplicate!

The plan for Tuesday September 18th? To nap the afternoon away so being short changed in the sleep department by the red-eye flight to New York City, won't turn me into a creature best kept in dark isolation.  No-one likes a hangry girl either, so I have packed some peanuty granola bar snacks for Mark and I.

But, for right now, it pains me to tell you, I'm simply concentrating on getting well. I turned my back on my health and well-being for the briefest of moments over the weekend and a summer cold snuck up on me. Hopefully this will be the last post written with frequent nose-blowing interruptions and the last day I feel drained and not because I ran myself ragged, being an over-achieving tourist!

7 short days from now, we'll be DIA bound. NYC bound. Moscow bound!

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