Friday, May 26, 2017

Full Steam Ahead!

What do you call it when the 285 Martin Drive pop-top gets a roof, windows and front porch all in one week? Exhilarating. Wonderful. Heartwarming! Yes, a busy week indeed at the job site. The house started out Monday looking like this: Plywood. No roof. Window holes not cut in the lower level. No cover on patio. And still drying out, from the blizzard the week before.

Inside, the framing was coming along. Ten foot ceilings were about to be a reality, closets and bedrooms and bathrooms were all mapped out.  And the whole place smelled like freshly sawed wood – which I could inhale all day!

By Tuesday, the front porch distinctly had a cover and Ken, Dirk and Aaron were working a little roof for the front entrance area. All of a sudden the 2-dimensional drawings paled in comparison to the real thing and I went from being eager with anticipation to downright ecstatic. Nightly phone calls to Mark, fishing in Canada, took a turn and he could barely get a word in edgewise; I just couldn’t wait to show him the progress that was being made.

Then came the day (Thursday) that the whole neighborhood had been waiting for – windows! Yeah!!! For the first time in 2.5 months we looked like we were building a house that would actually feature natural light on the first floor. Lots of light. The windows are huge… and IMHO, gorgeous. Everything I hoped for and more.

Yep, one was damaged in transit and sports a a cute cardboard and duct-tape Bandaid for now. Its replacement parts are on the way and the transplant to fix this double-hung window will be quick but not paneless.  😉

And then… more windows. Slowly the stored pile in the garage was finding homes in spaces around the house. A transformation was underway and our 285 Martin Drive pop-top was looking AMAZING!

Mark was back from Canada and we took trip to Boulder Friday afternoon to check out the progress, perhaps just in time to lend a hand and officially earn the honor of saying we helped build the house. Ok, it’s a stretch, but my contribution has been small and I’ll take what I can get.  Alongside Ken, Aaron and Dirk, we aided in the task of lifting the large front window up the stair well (no stairs yet) to the second level. At 400lb, it was an exercise in teamwork and drew on all the collective “Tetris” skills of the group. Once on the second floor it was slid between the framing and was positioned, leveled, shimmed into place overlooking the front yard. My goodness that was satisfying!!!

What a difference a week makes, huh!?  

I can’t even begin to describe how it feels when you have a long held dream, a vision; then you describe that vision to someone else and ask them to help you create it…. And they do! I hope this is what people feel when I help them achieve their real estate dreams and goals. 

There seems no higher ideal than to strive 

to create this feeling for my own clients

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