Thursday, April 20, 2017

Framing begins at 285 Martin Drive

 The 285 Martin Drive pop-top event you have been waiting for... 

Ok, so it’s not like the roof has come off or anything, but I can smell it coming! This week marked the arrival of lumber and the beginning of the framing of our 285 Martin Dr pop-top.

The plan is to build most of the framing for the new walls and have them ready to just stand up and be. So if you are driving by and hear the sound of pounding nails and saws, that is what is happening. The roof will not be torn off until the first floor walls are a go. Then expect to see the second level floor go on top, more framing, something like a tarp roof if the weather acts up and that’s about it for the next couple of weeks, in a nutshell.

Getting closer to the first new room of the house!

Check it out! Increased ceiling height on the first floor is now apparent!

Things to be grateful for:

  1. Super friendly and welcoming builders who don’t mind my frequent visits or being thrust into the spotlight on my blog.
  2. Weather that has been unbelievably cooperative – touch wood. (Lots of wood!)
  3. Neighborly visits. A genuine reminder that the amount I will pay for this project is worth it, to create a home that will bring me near these folks again. The Martin Drive neighbors stole my heart 10+ years ago and still have it!
  4.  The build process is opening my mind, causing me to learn all sorts of things and exercising my creative side.
  5. A job I love and my supportive clients. Without both, big dreams like these are so much tougher to make come true.

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