Friday, March 31, 2017

Month one: Feeling Positive!

The Martin Acres Pop-top Excavation Continues.

For sure, before the build there is a lot of prep work. Demolition and excavation have dominated this month but laying a good foundation is crucial to building a good house. Seems metaphorically appropriate for just about any endeavor, right?

Today’s visit was super interesting in many ways.

  • It looks like I’m getting a swimming pool!  That “hole” in the backyard is now deep and square. It will house the concrete foundation and base that will in turn support the new back room.
  • If I thought my yard was an accident waiting to happen last week… I’m taking that worry/aneurysm to a new level this week. One wrong step on a dark night (or sunny day) will see a wayward child fall into the pit of despair that occupies most of my back yard at this point!
  • And don’t plan on being able to walk “around” the pit of despair, for the yard is no longer remotely flat. “Storm Mountain” rises spectacularly to the west. An 8 foot heaping pile of fill dirt that has been excavated from the 6 foot hole. 

Pictures are kinda possible, but only from this one angle now.

Around the front, excavation has began for the concrete needed there too. A little more foundation work under what used to be a picture window – and will soon be our new dining room – and a small patio in front of the left part of the house. I have kissed goodbye the landscaping that once was and if the garden God’s smile on me, I will be luckily enough to have a chunk of the front part left, even if the part nearest the house is mowed down and concreted over.  

Its a process. Learning to let go, becoming like the monk with his sand picture is easier said than done… But then again, that can be said for everything. 

First world problems. For that, I’m very grateful.

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