Friday, March 24, 2017

Martin Acres Ranch Demolition Continues… Rain or Shine

The weather guessers predicted wind, freezing rain and some snow – maybe 2-5″. They were right about the wind. I lay awake last night wondering if the wind, which can be fierce in South Boulder at this time of year, was going to rip the roof off the rest of the house last night, or simply blow open the French doors and force the snow inside.

Snow? What snow. It rained a little and then the sun came out! Apparently that storm hit mostly south of us, down below Denver and once again the weather Gods had smiled upon me.

Today’s pictures are of yesterdays hard work. Dumpsters and truckloads of concrete, brick and whatnot were gotten rid of. 

I had company as I took these pics… The neighbors cat still remembers me and quite frankly wants to know what is going on!

And now a round up on how Martin Acres remodel-related services are doing:

  1. My insurance company, who issued a new policy specifically for vacant and under construction homes over 3 weeks ago, decided to pay a site visit yesterday. They were surprised to learn they were unable to get around the back of the house and help themselves to pictures. Hmmm… well, probably they should have come by 3 weeks ago when there was more house to photograph anyway. I thought they’d appreciate the fact that people aren’t allowed to trespass and risk me actually using the liability insurance?!  I sent them some pics taken a couple of weeks ago and maybe that will be just fine.
  2. Xcel. Crikey! They STILL haven’t showed up to disconnect the power from the house. I’m happy to take bets on when they will deem it urgent enough. The electrical box is hanging off the side of the house, the wires are entangled in demolished roofing material and they have had plenty of warning that this was going to happen. Imagine what would happen if I ignored my clients to the point of creating some serious safety questions.

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