Sunday, October 23, 2016

Day 30: Palas de Rei to Ribadiso de Baixo

You may or may not know, but I travel completely reliant on a couple of apps.

1. Camino Pilgrim
Sorry iPhone addicts, this one is not available to you (I don't think). With this app, you have the choice of using a pre-programmed schedule or designing your own.  I based my 31 day plan on an existing schedule, but I modify it most days to account for longer or shorter walks, stops for health/social/tourist reasons etc.

I am on track to arrive in Santiago on day 32 having taken one extra day to explore Burgos at the 2 week mark. The plan to walk another 3 days to Finisterre has been ditched in favor of a bus ride! I'm tired and don't have it in me to walk!!!

2. Weather app.
My phone came with this and while it's nothing too sophisticated, it apparently is more accurate than those other people are using... and this has resulted in several winning bets, with wine prizes!

I use the weather app to plan such things as attire, start time and distance walked.  For instance, today the app predicted showers that tapered off after 9am or 10am. So we started walking at 8:30, with rain ponchos on and planned a coffee break for an hour later... with the intention of reworking the water proof layers as needed. Perfect plan. Well executed, if I do say so myself.  (It helps that our dorm room of 6 people, all slept in!)

The hike today was typical Galicia. Rolling hills, lush green, dense forests of pine, oak, eucalyptus and chestnut. Sun filtering through, clouds mixed with blue sky, breezy but warm, birds singing, cow bells ringing.

There are a boatload more pilgrims on the trail now.  The northern route joined the Frances Camino recently, and as mentioned previously, there are many more pilgrims who started in Sarria.

Pierre and I are still walking together, although those early mornings that we bonded over, are mostly gone. Between the exhaustion and late sunrises  (8:45 am) motivation has somewhat expired. Instead, we join the trail in the dark around 7-7:30 am with headlamps. Me, with a mind full of last night's dreams (stories and colors) and him, with the song he woke up with in his head - soon to be my latest ear worm!

I have to say though, the songs are getting more age appropriate. It wasn't so long ago I was hearing "intsy wintsy spider", then "puff the magic dragon". Today I was privy to an 80's song that escapes me now.

My dreams are often Camino related, but also about home, the pets, travelling and life with Mark. Clearly I'm torn about leaving the Camino and my excitement about going home.  I miss home!

Ok, so today's hike:
The highlight was Melide, famous for its pulpo  (octopus). We partook and yes, it was very good. And it wasn't long before Marcelo found us and joined in.  I love his honesty, made even better by his English as a second language! Today's moment: "they are a little bit creepy" in reference to the octopus he was skewering. Hahaha.

After Melide it seemed easy to walk, until the last 1km! Then I hit a wall.  Exhausted. Gratefully checked into a nice, newer albergue - Los Caminantes.

OK, so just one thing if you are thinking of staying here. The showers.  Yeah, they are hot, but I should not have stopped asking questions there.  There are 2 showers in the main floor near our bedroom. Coed. They are adjoined, separated by a barely opaque plastic wall. Once inside, you have a slightly blurred view of the person in the next stall - and they, of you! I'm so over the shower setup in these relatively new places.  Did anyone stay in an albergue (or use a communal bathroom) before ok'ing the architectural plans???

More vino tinto!

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