Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 23: Murias de Rechivaldo to Foncebadòn

The first uphill hike in a long while and I enjoyed it! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy. But it stretched muscles that were all but forgotten on the messeta and that felt good.

Today was an EXCELLENT  food day! I had lentil soup for morning tea and peas and ham for afternoon tea.  The veges that I craved are finally available.

We arrived at the albergue tired and starting to get cold as the weather changed. Inside, an open fire roared... And beckoned. The place was "hippy" in its vibe, to say the least.
On the wall, yoga type clothes for sale, Reiki for a donation and a vegetarian meal for dinner. I grew to like it immediately. The place was run by young post-pilgrims. They were vibrant, happy and apparently half were in love with each other! Hahaha.

My room was in the attic. Well, me and 14 others.  Our mattresses scattered in the floor under skylights... "it's not if they leak, it's when they leak" I heard Charles Thabault saying in my head.

Yes, I felt a drip on my partially clad leg in the night! -but I didn't care!

Today I walked  almost 40,000 steps.  My feet feel just fine though. 😀

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