Thursday, August 18, 2016

Some Days Are Just More Difficult

In many ways, this week has been a successful one. Two real estate closings, lots of great client time, two hikes and two runs. And it's only Thursday!

Today, after procrastinating big time, I headed to Boulder and hiked a favorite, familiar trail.  Up to Wood's Quarry.

My attitude has been a bit off and I promised myself that if I made it into the trail at all today, I'd be allowed a couple of compromises.

1. No pack
2. Headphones and 80's music until I got into the woods.

So at 8:15 am (yeah, I know, an hour and a half later than normal) I locked the Audi, secured the Ipod to my tights and began a forceful and fast hike in the increasing heat. No Camelback because I was not carrying a pack, but that's OK. I'm a little of a camel anyway and will drink when I come down from the Foothills again.

Ugghhh... It was hard today. Phil Collins, Dido and Chicago all did their best to cheer me on, but it took all of a mile before I had a rhythm of any kind, on a 2 mile hike! At the top, I stopped to take in the view, to listen to hummingbird song and if lucky, glimpse a small deer or two. Nada. Today was the day I saw not a critter!  :-(

I did however, meet a mom. A really sweet lady from Washington State who had just moved her son into the dorms at CU. Obviously a bittersweet time for her  - And she was taking it all in at 6300 feet, smiling and getting her alone time in, before another busy day was underway. I admired her.

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