Friday, September 11, 2015

To Sleeve Or Not To Sleeve, THAT Is The Question

After going back and forth with half the folks giving me advice to take 2 t-shirts and one long sleeved top, and the other half of the advice erring on the side of caution and suggesting 2 long sleeves tops and one t-short,  I found my own compromise.

Imagine my surprise and delight when trolling the web and I discover sleeves for sale. Merino wool,  funky striped, full length sleeves that can be paired with any t-shirt and whipped off to reveal freckled arms at a moments notice! (Or slipped back on for sun protection.)

So.... My pack now contains 2 t-shirts, one long sleeved top and an extra set of sleeves!

The mornings are getting darker and cooler. Today was a good day to begin using gear. It was 53 degrees when I left the house.  The sun was yet to rise.  I was dressed in Camino clothes. Convertible pants, wool socks, merino wool light t-shirt, sleeves, hat....It was not cold enough for hoodie or gloves, but maybe next week.

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