Thursday, August 20, 2015

Weight Loss

In an ongoing effort to reduce the amount of weight I'll be trekking over the Pyrenees, I've been shopping (a lot) for gear that is backpacker friendly.

I'll be giving you a comprehensive list of pack contents before I go,  reasoning for inclusion and weights for each item,  but before that,  how about an update on progress?

Last week I began the hunt for a light sleeping bag to replace my 3 lb bag. Thorough research led me to believe I had one option. ... Of course it was a discontinued line and near impossible to purchase!  Then one night,  suffering with insomnia and a Camino monkey mind,  I woke, searched for and purchased something entirely different. The next morning all I had was the vaguest of recollections of buying a sleeping bag sometime between 2 and 3 am!

It arrived this week and I love it.  Lesson learned ... Stop over-thinking this and stop taking hours away from work and other priorities!

The other thing that arrived this week was new waterproof pants.  Yeah,  I have some already,  but they are Goretex and twice as heavy. I estimated that I'd be saving a half pound by replacing them with a cheaper, thinner version.

With my two new items stowed in the pack, I prepared to weigh in. First standing on the scale with my pack on, then without. The difference being the pack weight.

Pretty good! 14.5 lb

While it may never be the 12 lb pack I was going for (unless no water being carried) it's a very manageable weight for me.

Here is the real surprise...
I personally weigh 2 lb lighter than last week. I have not been trying to lose weight and didn't think there was much to lose actually, but I guess all this hiking around with a heavy pack has shaved off 1/8 " here and there.  Not noticeably thinner,  but 2 lb lighter anyway. Add that to the 3 lb from weeks prior and that's 5 less pounds I'm carrying, despite the pack not reaching goal weight.

I'd call that mission accomplished after all.
My dad was right.  There IS more than one way to skin a cat.

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