Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Packing for the Camino De Santiago

A week of research lead me to believe that I don't have the right gear.  I have gear, for sure, but not the right gear. Having traveled extensively, camped and backpacked more than once and loitered at REI garage sales for years, it seemed logical that I could pull together what was necessary for 2 weeks and 250 miles on a French-Spanish hiking trail.

Not so.

The truth is, I need way less than I thought but different than I have.
All advice points along the following lines...

1. Merino wool clothes. Light and breathable, stays warm when wet, doesn't get stinky very fast.
I opted for Smartwool and Icebreaker base layer items. Socks, leggings and tops.
FYI, Icebreaker merino wool comes from sheep in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. It performs well and the treatment of the sheep is apparently better than their Aussie kin. Neither Smartwool nor Icebreaker brands are inexpensive, but this is not the time to cut corners and I'm quite ok with buying responsibly and putting my money where my mouth is.
REI outlet and Sierra Trading Post clearance sale... My two new best friends!

2.  Rain Gear.
My boots are waterproof of course (Zamberlan, circa 2008 and still going strong) and I'm taking Goretex pants and a GoLite waterproof jacket also. Lucky for me, I have all this already.

3. Pack.
I splurged. After dragging out my large pack from under the bed and realizing I needed smaller and lighter, then remembering that my day pack is not adjustable, I went searching for the perfect "in between" size.

The Deuter 45+10 womans fit. Its medium sized, light weight, waterproof and has those adjustable bits I need. Rumor has it that after hours of walking, one might like to tighten or loosen straps on a whim to move the weight from hips to shoulders and back again. Makes sense to me!

4.  Hiking Poles
I had never used them and wondered about their advantages vs disadvantages (like you can't put them in carry-on luggage). It only took conversations with two avid long distance hikers to assure me I would be acquiring some.
As the proud new owner of a pair of awesome Black Diamond trekking poles, I'm here to say they have already changed my hiking speed, posture and life! I won't be going anywhere without them again.

4. Random "must haves":
I have a small list. I also have a small list of things that I have found to be ridiculous, yet on other peoples "must have" lists.
Get this: One person swears by a .5lb laundry bag. A fancy-pants ziplock bag with nubbies inside that rub on your clothes and get them cleaner than a regular ziplock, apparently. I think her boyfriend carried most of their "shared" stuff! Hahaha.
Another girl recommends we all buy these $200 ballet shoes that bend in half and weigh almost nothing. She assures us you can dress them up and down for every occasion... How versatile! However they don't make my list because, well... All you'll find in my pack is a pair of convertible hiking pants and I really don't see how ballet shoes could dress them up unless they are magical!
Third prize for the biggest waste of space and weight goes to the eye mask. THE most girlie cure for lights on in the dorm room that I've heard. I plan on using my trusty Buff for this instead.

For those of you who know me, you may not be convinced I'll be travelling sans Canon EOS 50D. It is after all, almost grafted to me most of the time. However, this trip I assure you I will be without it. Words of advice from someone who I trust..."Is this a hiking trip or a photography trip? It can't be both".

My phone will be my communication, internet, camera and translator. I hope to publish short updates to this blog along the way so you too can share the bad hair days, see the up close pictures of my blisters and witness the triumph that can only come after you encourage death during a 20 mile hike in pouring rain!

There is about 7 weeks until I leave for Spain (Sept 22nd) and I still require education in the packing department - Did I mention the max 10% of your body weight guideline? That means about a 12 lb pack for me!

*Im attending a "Camino - to pack or not to pack", event this week. It promises to be a wealth of information and a potential buy and trade gear, sort of affair. It is being held by the American Pilgrims organization and I will blog it, for you. :-)

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